Inspiration Session: Khanyi Dhlomo CEO of Ndalo Media

We heard from Khanyi Dhlomo, Founder and CEO of Ndalo Media, at our first Inspiration Session for 2017, hosted by Allan Gray. Khanyi shared some valuable insights with us:

Clear vision: Khanyi pointed out the significance of knowing what one wants. She emphasised the importance of a clear vision and a strong sense of self-belief. Khanyi said that when you define what it is that you want in life, the forces that move our universe conspire to make those things happen.

Grit: passion and perseverance will build resilience. Khanyi believes that this is relevant to both long and short term goals, as both can be equally challenging. She continued by saying that passion and perseverance play critical roles in helping us see our goals come to fruition.

Show up in excellence and love: people who operate from the position of love and service to others, often yield more fruitful results. Khanyi says that this is because people respond better to those who impact their lives in a positive manner.

Have the audacity to hope: Khanyi believes that this is very important and added that we must always maintain hope and stay positive, even when external circumstances are pointing otherwise.

Embrace mistakes and failure: as bitter as it can be, failure should be embraced as a lesson. Khanyi views failure as an opportunity to learn as it is part of the path to greatness, which isn’t meant to be smooth. Her encouragement was to “become friends with failure”, as it is inevitable on our journey.

Embrace the power within: we each have tremendous power within ourselves and we need to get to know that power and embrace it. Khanyi noted that thoughts become things, and the more time we spend defining those thoughts and aligning them with our vision, the more successful we become.

Self-mastery: success starts with self-mastery. We cannot lead organisations and people if we cannot lead ourselves – the place to start is with mastering ourselves. Khanyi said that while it is great to have goals and a vision, we need to ask ourselves daily, “what am I doing daily that moves me to my goals?”.

Believe: remain steadfast despite what is happening externally. Khanyi acknowledged that this can be very challenging, but quoting Rhonda Byrne author of The Secret, she said that when one has mastered the art of believing, you have mastered life.

Make your work your ministry: before considering whether an idea is profitable, we should consider the potential it has to change lives – does it move people, provide them with information or experiences that help them make better decisions? Khanyi believes this is how we make a valuable contribution.

Young professionals who attended the session were left feeling exceedingly inspired by Khanyi’s leadership learnings and success. We are looking forward to our next Inspiration Session in June – please continue to visit our website for further details around our guest speaker.

Leadership Learnings _ Khanyi Dhlomo, Founder & CEO, Ndalo Media


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